Singing Guide: LCD Soundsystem

Singing Guide: LCD Soundsystem

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Are you a big fan of LCD Soundsystem and you want to learn how to sing like James Murphy?

James Murphy is known for his baritone and low tenor voice, but you don't need to have that exact vocal range to imitate his singing known for its smooth transitions and emotional delivery. In this article, you will learn how to emulate James Murphy's singing style and what songs to practice to improve your singing like him.

Vocal Technique

James Murphy's singing style is characterized by its simplicity and emotionality. He is known for his baritone voice, but his range is not out of reach for most singers. To sing like him, you need to focus on solid breath support, especially on long, sustained notes. This will give you the power and control to deliver emotional performances like Murphy does.

To imitate his transitions between higher and lower notes, focus on your voice registers and vocal break. Practice exercises to smooth out your voice's transition as Murphy often uses his chest voice, head, voice, and mix registers, creating a smooth, even sound throughout his singing.

Songs to Practice

To improve your singing like James Murphy, practice the following songs and pay attention to how he delivers them. You can find all of the below songs on Singing Carrots' song search feature.

  1. Dance Yrself Clean - This song is characterized by a slow building into the chorus, where James delivers powerful, sustained notes for an emotional impact.
  2. All My Friends - This song is known for its cathartic sing-a-long outro. Pay attention to how James uses his voice to evoke the emotion of the chorus.
  3. Someone Great - In this song, James sings with a softer, more subdued voice, demonstrating his vocal control.
  4. New York, I Love You but You're Bringing Me Down - This song is slower and more introspective than the others but showcases James' smooth transitions and emotional resonance.

Practicing with Singing Carrots

To improve your singing, Singing Carrots offers a range of tools, exercises, and articles.


After learning about James Murphy's vocal technique and practicing with Singing Carrots, you are now equipped to emulate his singing style. By focusing on solid breath support, vocal registers, smooth transitions, and emotional delivery, you can do justice to James Murphy's voice while finding your own authentic style. Remember to keep practicing!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.